Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 2 of Clomid

So today was relatively uneventful with side effects. I was a little more cranky this morning (but that could have been the weather...another day of COLD temps, but at least the sun was out) but didn't notice anything else.

I'm kind of head-achy tonight and tired. Again, the tiredness is typical for me this time of year. I'll probably take some Tylenol before bed. I'm okay with any s/e as long as I have a beautiful outcome!

We have another ultrasound on 3/3 and then will get the date for our IUI. If it's anything like my natural cycles, I'll O (ovulate) around CD14 or so - so another 10 days. That'd make the IUI next Friday or Saturday. Crossing fingers!

1 comment:

  1. OOH GOOD LUCK - but remember - Clomid can make you O later :) perhaps a day or two, but no matter what they'll know with your U/Ss...YAY so excited for you!!
