Friday, March 19, 2010

10DPO Test

And it was a bfn (big fat negative) :( I'm feeling more like AF is on her way, too. I'm so bummed right now.

I know it was early but still...the sore boobs are not as apparent, I'm still bloated and tonight have a KILLER headache. Still fighting waves of nausea, too...these could all be good signs or not. It's a waiting game until Sunday/Monday. I would LOVE to prove everyone that I'm right and we're gonna make this work, but I'm losing some hope.

On a bright note, I should get to see my BFF tomorrow. I can't wait!!


  1. (((hugs))) Remember, I thought for sure AF was coming... It is possible! And you are early... I'm praying so hard that this is it for you!

  2. Thanks, Jess. We'll see but I'm not holding out much hope.
